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Introduction to Tags

Tags are symbols with custom icons, colors, and labels that staff can apply to any athlete. Tags are the primary method for a program to categorize athletes

This feature operates at the college level, meaning that a coach can create, apply, and view tags exclusively for their college. There are 2 different types of tags available -- Primary tags and Secondary tags. 


Each program may create up to 6 Primary tags. Primary tags are larger and do not display a label.
Secondary tags are smaller and can contain labels. Each program may create unlimited secondary tags.

Any staff member can:

  • Create a Tag

  • Update a Tag 

  • Delete a Tag

  • Tag Athletes with multiple tags

  • Apply several Tags to an athlete in bulk from the search results page

The standard tags: Heart, Diamond, Club, Spade, Star from 2023 will be automatically converted to Primary tags.

Categories from 2023 will be automatically converted to Secondary tags.