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Introduction to Tags

Tags are symbols with custom icons, colors, and labels that staff can apply to any athlete. Tags are the primary method for a program to categorize athletes

This feature operates at the program level, meaning that a coach can create, apply, and view tags exclusively for their college. There are 2 different types of tags available -- Primary tags and Secondary tags. 


Primary Tags are displayed as large icons without labels on an athlete card.

Each program can have a maximum of 6 Primary tags. The default set of icons is Heart, Diamond, Spade, Club, Star which can be edited at any time. 


Each program may create up to 6 Primary tags. Primary tags are larger and do not display a label.

The standard tags: Heart, Diamond, Club, Spade, Star from 2023 will be automatically converted to Primary tags.

Secondary Tags are smaller and can contain labels.

Each program may create unlimited secondary tags.


Categories from 2023 will be automatically converted to Secondary tags.

Any staff member can:
  • Create a Tag

  • Update a Tag 

  • Delete a Tag 

  • Tag athletes with multiple tags

  • Apply several Tags to an athlete in bulk from the search results page

Athletes never see the tags you have given them.