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Here we

Ratings are introducinga unified way for the Ratingsentire System.staff to appraise an athletes ability.


Overall Rating: 

This is a setsingle ofgrade athletefrom evaluations correspondingA+ to the standardized skill assessment for junior volleyball players.F.

ItThe aimsmost torecent measureoverall thegrade athletes'assigned performanceby andany staff member will serve as a form of a universal ranking scale to evaluate their opportunities to be admitted to colleges of the corresponding division.

Ratings are available at a programm level, Coaches from the same program can see and edit each other's ratings. 

For example in particular, higher-rated athletes have better chances of being admitted to colleges from a higher division, whereas middle-rated athletes would be recommended to consider colleges from the lower divisions.

There are two different rating groups with a set of values to apply.

There are also tooltips explaining the meaning of every rating.

Primary Rating Group:

  • Recruit Rating (Comparison of this athlete's potential to current roster starters). Values: 2, 1, 0, -1, -2

  • Overall Rating (Overall Grade of this athlete). Values: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B- , C+, C, C-, D, E, F

    • Skill

    • Body

    • Mind

    • Heart

    • Team

      •  Values: A, B, C, D, E, F
To apply the Overall or Recruit rating

 click the field Overall select the corresponding value  shown

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Recruitability Score:

This is a numeric system to allow staff to compare an athlete to their current roster. The most recent score assigned by a staff member will be shown.


Giving every athlete you evaluate a recruitability score will help us gently direct them toward the best fit.

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delete the Overall or Recruit Rating from the athlete click the field

General and choosePosition theSkills empty(Tier option1 at the select.

Mind that fields for Overall and Rectuit ratings are displayed at the athlete card, even if they are empty.

Secondary Rating Group:only)

Secondary Rating Group has the following ratings:

  • General
  • By Position:
    • SetterApply a grade of A-F

    • General


      categories are Skill, Body, Mind, Heart, Team
    • RightPosition Side

    • are
    • dependent


    • the
    • position

      Liberobeing evaluated

Values: A, B, C, D, E, F

Apply Secondary Ratings:

In order to apply secondary tags you should go to the Ratings tab at the athlete details, click the ‘+Ratings’ button, and select the rating.

After that when the line with the fields for this rating appears, click the field and select the value.

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You can evaluate a player for more than one position (ie. an outside as a libero)

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Delete thea Secondary Rating:


At the 3 dots menu on the right you can either clear up all the values from the line by clicking Clear all option, or Delete the whole line of the rating by selecting Delete Rating. 

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