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43 total results found

Assigning Tags

Online Usage Tags

You can assign or remove a tag any time you see an Athlete. How to Assign Primary and Secondary Tags to an Athlete:   To assign or remove a Primary tag, click the icon.  Assigned Primary tags are full color. Unassigned Primary tags are dim. T...

Introduction to Tags

Online Usage Tags

Tags are symbols with custom icons, colors, and labels that staff can apply to any athlete. Tags are the primary method for a program to categorize athletes This feature operates at the program level, meaning that a coach can create, apply, and view tags excl...

Who We Are

Online Usage Introduction

University Athlete is a small team of former coaches and dedicated developers with a mission to help coaches and athletes in volleyball find the right fit. We provide software tools to college coaches to make their jobs easier: Our online application gives th...

Registering Staff

Online Usage Staff

Every staff member must register themselves. An email validation will be required and a UA staff member must approve the registration. Each registration requires Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to comply with IT department requirements but can be disabled in t...

Managing Staff Profiles

Online Usage Staff

Anyone on staff can manage the staff roster and upload a profile photo, select the staff highlight color and initials or remove a staff member.   In previous seasons, staff was indicated by C1, C2 ... C5. Now, they are represented by their initials in ...

2023-2024 Conversion FAQ

Online Usage What's new in 2024

Every program will have its data backed up and converted to the 2024 format. When will the conversion happen? In mid-January, a button will appear on the home page allowing you to convert your 2023 work to the new format. Late January, all accounts will be...

What's New

Online Usage What's new in 2024

Primary Tags Primary tags (formerly Tags) have larger icons without labels. You are limited to 6. You can choose the icon and the color. They can be re-ordered. Secondary Tags Secondary tags (formerly Categories) are pill shaped and may contain a colo...

Delete Staff

Online Usage Staff

To delete any staff member from your account, go to Settings > Programs > Staff, here: Here you will see a list of all staff members linked to your school account. To the right of the staff name, you will see a vertical 3 dot menu. Hover over the 3 dot menu...